About Us
The biggest issue moving from Sydney to the Gold Coast 20 years ago was leaving my multi-headed johnsonii behind. I still check on its progress when visiting Sydney.
After having an office job for 30 years I finally decided to get some fresh air. Paradise Grass Trees was established in 2009. The first priority after obtaining appropriate licences was to source the best quality grass trees. This is not easy as there are some ordinary operators around.
Our experience and skill in reclaiming xanthorrhoea is reflected in low mortality rates. As a general rule, we wait for new growth in the pot, which means our trees may be in the pot from 6 months to 2 years before being sold.
In my search for the beautiful glauca I came across a seed grown glauca hybrid. This is truly a super grass tree. The leaf colour may vary from blue/grey to flushes of green, and the tree is a vigorous grower. Also, it has the added feature of almost always multi-heading and throwing huge spears.
Paradise Grass Trees is a small nursery and chooses not to deal with the big national retail groups.
We currently supply some nurseries in Queensland and NSW. Your enquiry is most welcome.